Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by Web Administrator

“Having hosted the Summer Studies Program for over a decade, USINDO was very familiar with interacting with American exchange students. This provided me with a unique understanding of Indonesian interpretations…

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“Before I came to Indonesia, I made plans to learn about the culture, the society, and the history of Indonesia. Little did I know, that I would learn so much…

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“When I learned of the opportunity to live in Indonesia for the summer, I found that most of my friends and acquaintances lacked even the most basic knowledge of Indonesia…

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“The USINDO program allowed me to spend 2.5 months in a country learning about an entirely new culture. It introduced me to a different part of the world through classes,…

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“To me, Indonesia is family, friends. Indonesia is beauty, and mountains, and tropical beaches. What makes it so amazing is definitely the people. Strangers will create small talk with you…

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