Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

USINDO Awards the Prestigious 2018 Edward E. Masters Fellowship to Jhendra Ageng Samodra

2017 Edward E. Masters Fellow Jhendra Ageng Samodra

Mr. Jhendra Ageng Samodra is awarded the Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program 2017-2018 after going through a very competitive selection process. He currently serves in the Secretariat of the Directorate General for Multilateral Cooperation. Mr. Samodra is heavily involved in the campaign of Indonesia as the Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 2019-2020; his utmost dedication engendered victory through an election where 144 out of 190 countries voted for Indonesia. As the desk officer for candidature affairs, his primary responsibility is formulating the campaign strategy for Indonesia’s elections and bids to the International Organization. His other portfolio includes the victory of Indonesia’s candidacy as the Member of the Executive Board of UNESCO 2017-2021 and as the Member of the Council of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2018-2019.

As one of the Top 4 graduates of the batch XXXVIII, he was chosen to attend the diplomatic training at the Clingendael Institute of International Relations in 2015 and successfully completed the internship at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, one of the busiest Indonesian missions abroad, in 2014. Before joining the Ministry, he worked for the ASEAN Secretariat, overseeing the cooperation on Education and Youth among ASEAN Member States and its Dialogue Partners. Mr. Samodra holds a B.A. in International Relations from the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) with Cum Laude and was awarded as the Fastest Graduate of 2012.

With scholarship from the Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program, he was accepted at the Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy program at Tufts University, concentrating in International Organizations and Public International Law.

Established in 2010, the Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program is a collaboration between USINDO and Indonesia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (PUSDIKLAT KEMLU). The program has funded the education of select officials from Indonesian Ministries at top U.S. schools in the United States and managed their placements. For more information about the program: