Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Special Open Forum Luncheon: Enhanced Power of the DPD (Senate) and the Future of Democracy in Indonesia

The Honorable Irman Gusman Speaker, DPD (Regional Representatives Council) Republic of Indonesia On May 21 USINDO hosted the Honorable Irman Gusman, Speaker of Indonesia’s upper legislative body, the Regional Representatives…

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"The Land of Five Towers": An Insight into Modern Islamic Education in Indonesia

Ahmad Fuadi Best-selling Author and Social Entrepreneur On May 17 USINDO hosted Ahmad Fuadi, author of the best-selling “Negeri 5 Menara” (The Land of Five Towers). His 2010 book broke…

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New Trends in Indonesian Studies in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges

On May 20 USINDO, AIFIS, and @america hosted Prof. Thomas B. Pepinsky, Assistant Professor at Cornell University and President of the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS). This event is…

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Leaving Poverty Behind: How Effective is Indonesia's Social Safety Net Approach in Reducing Poverty?

Dr. Vivi Alatas, Senior Economist and Poverty Team Leader,  World Bank Office Jakarta  On May 10 USINDO hosted Dr. Vivi Alatas, Senior Economist and Poverty Team Leader, World Bank Office Jakarta. Indonesia’s…

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Partnership for Results: Lessons from Indonesia's Experiences in Disaster Reconstruction

Dr. Suprayoga Hadi Deputy Minister for the Development of Special Regions Ministry for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions Republic of Indonesia Shamima Khan Manager, Multi Donor Fund for Aceh and…

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USINDO Executive Breakfast Discussion: Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani

On April 9, 2013, USINDO hosted an Executive Breakfast Discussion with Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani, Director-General for American and European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. Ambassador Djani shared his views on…

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