NU and Contemporary Indonesian Islam
Dr. Hasyim Muzadi President, Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesian Islam is, in essence, moderate, and NU is actively taking steps to confront the virulent strains of Islam now being seen in the…
Read MoreIndonesian Military Reforms Fail to Get U.S. Attention
Colonel John Haseman Former Defense Attache, U.S. Embassy in Jakarta American policy towards the Indonesian military, influenced by current “anti-Indonesian rhetoric” of small groups, reflects an outdated view of Indonesia…
Read MoreHabibie on Democracy…and Habibie
H.E. B.J. Habibie Former President of Indonesia In March of 1998 B.J. Habibie, a scientist educated in Germany with a distinguished career in his field and 20 years as a…
Read MoreSudjadnan’s ‘State of the Union'
H.E. Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat Ambassador the United States, Republic of Indonesia Indonesia has a good story to tell regarding progress in the past year, and Indonesian Ambassador Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat wanted to…
Read MoreThe Status of Military Reform in Indonesia and its Impact on U.S.-Indonesian Security Relations
BGen John Toolan Principal Director for South and Southeast Asia, Asian and Pacific Security Affairs Office of Secretary of Defense Policy Lex Rieffel Non-resident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution Co-author,…
Read MoreThe Dragon Looks South: China and Southeast Asia in the New Century” – The Indonesian Perspective
Mr. Bronson Percival Center for Strategic Studies, CNA Corporation Mr. Bronson Percival began with a brief overview of his book, The Dragon Looks South: China and Southeast Asia in the…
Read MoreDeveloping Indonesia’s Capital Markets
Arifin M. Siregar, Co-Chairman of USINDO, Conference Chairman Professor Dr. Miranda S. Goeltom, Senior Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia Professor Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti, Chairman, Board of Commissioners, BTPN (Retiree Savings National…
Read MoreCurbing Corruption in Indonesia, 2004-2006
USINDO is extremely pleased to join with the Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta in co-publishing Curbing Corruption in Indonesia, 2004-2006 by Soren Davidsen, Vishnu Juwono and…
Read MoreIndonesian Media and Freedom of Expression
Continuing the bi-national dialogue from a similar conference held in Washington, DC on September 8, 2005, USINDO’s program in Jakarta featured the following speakers: Atmakusumah Astraatmadja, Founder and Lecturer, Dr.…
Read MoreThe March of Democracy: Can the DPR be more effective?
Tom Cormier Deputy Country Director for Indonesia, National Democratic Institute Tom Cormier, NDI’s Deputy Country Director for Indonesia, reported on a survey of the Indonesian House of Representatives (the Dewan…
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