Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by USINDO

Edward Masters

Edward Masters has held senior posts as a diplomat, businessman and nonprofit sector executive in a career devoted to advancing U.S. national interests abroad and fostering cooperation among diverse economic…

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R. William Liddle

R. William Liddle is Professor of Political Science at Ohio State University and a specialist on Southeast Asian, particularly Indonesian, politics. He has conducted research in Indonesia on many occasions…

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John Haseman

John B. Haseman is one of America’s most knowledgeable authorities on the Indonesian Armed Forces. As a career army officer he served three assignments – totaling ten years – at…

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Greg Fealy

Greg Fealy holds a joint appointment as research fellow and lecturer in Indonesian politics at the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, and the Faculty of Asian Studies, The…

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James Castle

The founder of CastleAsia, a business consultancy specializing in market entry strategies, economic and political analysis and public policy advocacy, in association with PT Jasa Cita. In nearly thirty years…

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Robert Barry

After graduating Dartmouth summa cum laude in 1956, Robert Barry did graduate work at Oxford and Columbia Universities. He served in the US navy from 1957-1960 as a destroyer officer,…

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SBY's New Cabinet

The following report on several members of the new Indonesian cabinet was prepared by USINDO drawing on a variety of sources. The new 37-member Indonesian cabinet announced October 21 combines…

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Individual Sponsorship

Full Time Student ($25) Same benefits as the Friend/Professional sponsorship level at a special student membership price. Friend/Professional ($120 – $249) The basic level of USINDO membership. Receives first notice of and invitations…

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