Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Indonesia’s Political Scene in 2011 from the Perspective of Golkar

Please join us on January 4 for this inside view of the Indonesian political landscape as seen from the perspective of Golkar’s Vice General Chairman, Theo Sambuaga.  Mr. Sambuaga’s talk…

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In the Aftermath of Peace: Hope and Struggle in Aceh

Five years since the Helsinki Agreement brought peace to Aceh, the province has undergone enormous social and political changes. Filmmaker Sandeep Ray talked to the Acehnese about their frustrations and…

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After Aceh: The Evolution of Terror Networks in Indonesia

With Sidney Jones, Senior Adviser, Asia Program of the International Crisis Group and commentator, Andi Widjajanto, Lecturer at the University of Indonesia. Sidney Jones is senior adviser to the Asia…

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The Roots of U.S.-Indonesian Cooperation on Education

As Indonesia and the United States move forward with an historic plan to increase cooperation on higher education, it is important to understand the history of educational partnerships between the…

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USINDO Special Event to Welcome Ambassador Dino Djalal

Please join us for this USINDO Special Event welcoming Ambassador Djalal and Ibu Rosa Djalal to Washington, and commemorating the inaugural meeting of the Joint Commission of the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive…

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The U.S. – Indonesian Security Relationship

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Scher will discuss U.S. the evolving U.S. foreign policy towards Indonesia with regards to security and defense. The discussion is the second in a policy…

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