Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Jakarta Open Forum: Garuda in Flight – An American Perspective on the Evolution and Progress of Indonesian Foreign Policy

Professor Donald  E. Weatherbee, Donald S. Russell Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina As the world’s most populous Muslim democracy and 16th largest economy by GDP, Indonesia has gained international…

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Jakarta Open Forum: Washington Political Perspectives on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

 Prof. Gary Clyde Hufbauer Reginald Jones Senior Fellow,  Peterson Institute for International Economics Former Deputy Assistant Secretary,  U.S. Treasury for International Trade and Investment Policy (1977-79) Mr. James Carouso Counselor for Economic Affairs U.S. Embassy…

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Jakarta Open Forum: Interfaith Dialogue – Lessons Learned from Muslims in America

Ustadz Shamsi Ali Imam of Islamic Cultural Center of New York Advisory Board of Indonesian Muslim Society in America (IMSA) Making up 0.8% of the United States total population in…

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Open Forum Panel Discussion – Forestry and Climate Change Initiatives in Indonesia: Three Expert Assessments

On February 26 USINDO hosted three Indonesian and American experts on environment and climate change to discuss current environment and forestry initiatives in Indonesia, particularly on the progress of the…

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Special Open Forum Breakfast and Discussion: The U.S. Pacific Commander's Perspective on the Asia-Pacific Rebalance

On February 8, 2013, USINDO and the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta hosted a Special Open Forum breakfast and discussion with the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM), Admiral Samuel…

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The United States Rebalance to Asia: How Will It Change America’s Defense Strategy in the Region?

As what many refer to as a rebalance to the region, the United States has exhibited a considerable interest in shifting its focus to the Asia-Pacific. This interest is evident…

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