Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

USINDO DC Open Forum July 20: "Disengaging Indonesian Jihadists: What Works"

USINDO cordially invites you to an Open Forum on Disengaging Indonesian Jihadists: What Works with Dr. Julie Chernov Hwang Associate Professor and Chair of the  Department of Political Science and International…

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USINDO Special Open Forum: “The Direction of US Foreign & Defense Policy under Trump’s Administration”

With Dr. Vali R. Nasr, Dean, John Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of International Studies (SAIS) Opened & Moderated by Gita Wirjawan, Trustee of USINDO, Former Indonesia Trade Minister,…

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Relations between Religious Minorities, Majorities and the State in Indonesia and the United States: Current Trends and Issues

On Monday, July 31, 2017, USINDO in cooperation with SETARA and Wahid Foundation held a Special Open Forum on the Relations between Religious Minorities, Majorities and the State in Indonesia…

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USINDO-AmCham U.S. Indonesia Bilateral Security Relationship

On Monday, August 7, 2017, USINDO and AmCham Indonesia held a Special Open Forum featuring one of the most influential figures in the U.S. defense community, Admiral Harry B. Harris…

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USINDO-Jakarta Institute of Arts (IKJ) The Internationalization of Indonesian Arts in the U.S & Other Countries

On September 7, 2017, USINDO Jakarta in partnership with Jakarta Institute of the Arts (IKJ) held an Open Forum on The Internationalization of Indonesian Arts and Gamelan in the U.S.…

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USINDO-US Embassy Jakarta Open Forum Maximizing the Impact of Anti-Corruption Efforts for Economic Development in the U.S. and Indonesia: The Role of Public and Private Sectors

On December 15, 2017, USINDO Jakarta in partnership with The U.S. Embassy Jakarta held an Open Forum on Maximizing the Impact of Anti-Corruption Efforts for Economic Development in the U.S.…

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