Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Graduate School Application Preparation (GRASP)

USINDO's Graduate School Application Preparation (GRASP) aims to provide Indonesian students the guidance and preparation programs they need to apply for and complete their academic experience at U.S. institutions and is supported by USAID and Arizona State University under the USAID Higher Education Partnership Initiative (HEPI).


Critical Thinking & Digital Literacy Course

USINDO’s Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy course aims to enhance the skills of Indonesian LPDP applicants to US graduate schools to increase their prospects for admission and successful academic performance.

Since 2021, USINDO has successfully delivered seven batches of the CTDL course for young professionals and one pilot batch of the course for current university students. HEPI’s interest in further supporting these programs (previously delivered under a grant from US Embassy Jakarta PAS) and incorporating them into their university launchpads, demonstrates the importance of encouraging and supporting Indonesian students looking to pursue graduate studies in the U.S., which is a common goal for many organizations working in this field.

The CTDL course was instrumental in not only advancing  course participants’ skill development in Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy, but also triggered their interest in applying to (and being accepted to) a substantial number of highly ranked and well-known U.S. universities.

For more details on the USINDO GRASP Mini Intensive Course, please view the course information here.



View our Mini Intensive Course Student Profiles below.