Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by USINDO

President Jokowi to Visit Washington

On October 26th and 27th,  President Joko Widodo will make his first visit to Washington DC as President.  Please read more here.  USINDO will disseminate further information on the visit when…

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Indonesia's Foreign Policy Shifts

The East-West Center is hosting an Asia Pacific Foreign Policy and Defense Seminar:   Indonesia’s Foreign Policy Shifts    Featuring: Dr. Vibhanshu Shekhar Visiting Fellow,  East-West Center in Washington    Arto…

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Annual Washington Gala Dinner

USINDO is pleased to announce its  Annual Washington Gala Dinner Marking the U.S. – Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership’s 2015 Joint Commission Meeting and a New Phase in U.S. – Indonesia Relations  …

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