Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by USINDO

NU and Contemporary Indonesian Islam

Dr. Hasyim Muzadi President, Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesian Islam is, in essence, moderate, and NU is actively taking steps to confront the virulent strains of Islam now being seen in the…

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Habibie on Democracy…and Habibie

H.E. B.J. Habibie Former President of Indonesia In March of 1998 B.J. Habibie, a scientist educated in Germany with a distinguished career in his field and 20 years as a…

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Sudjadnan’s ‘State of the Union'

H.E. Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat Ambassador the United States, Republic of Indonesia Indonesia has a good story to tell regarding progress in the past year, and Indonesian Ambassador Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat wanted to…

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Developing Indonesia’s Capital Markets

Arifin M. Siregar, Co-Chairman of USINDO, Conference Chairman Professor Dr. Miranda S. Goeltom, Senior Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia Professor Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti, Chairman, Board of Commissioners, BTPN (Retiree Savings National…

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Curbing Corruption in Indonesia, 2004-2006

USINDO is extremely pleased to join with the Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta in co-publishing Curbing Corruption in Indonesia, 2004-2006 by Soren Davidsen, Vishnu Juwono and…

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