Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

The Birth of the Indonesian Nation, 1945-49: Perspectives on the Role of the United States

1945-49 were the turbulent and formative years of the creation of the Indonesian nation.  The United States played an evolving role within that period that is known by relatively few. …

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Update on the State of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI)

Colonel Haseman is well known to USINDO’s friends and supporters for the depth of his knowledge on the Indonesian armed forces.  He has just returned from two weeks in Jakarta, Indonesia…

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Global Challenges for Indonesia's Education in the 21st Century

In collaboration with The United States – Indonesia Society, the Indonesian Leadership Foundation would like to invite you to our inaugural event, a panel discussion on the importance of US-Indonesian…

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Political Groupings Toward 2014: A Behind-the-Scenes Look

General Luhut Pandjaitan is a well informed former General, Ambassador, and Minister, now a prominent businessman and Political Adviser to Golkar. He will provide his insights on the current political…

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The U.S. – Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership: New Opportunities in U.S.-Indonesia Higher Education Cooperation

In November 2010, Presidents Obama and Yudhoyono officially inaugurated the US-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership during a US state visit to Indonesia.  As expressed in their Joint Declaration, the Partnership intends to…

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Indonesia's Maritime and Coastal Resources

Indonesia has a total maritime area of 5.8 million sq km and coastline of some 81, 000 km, and is rich in maritime natural resources. This sector can be one…

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