Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

"New Thinking for a New Partnership": Special Open Forum Luncheon with Amb. Scot Marciel

Responding to Indonesian President SBY’s historic proposal in 2008, at USINDO, the United States in 2010 entered into a “Comprehensive Partnership” with Indonesia, a first for both countries. Covering security,…

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Special Open Forum Panel Discussion: The Indonesia – U.S. Caucus of Indonesia's Legislature: How it Views its Roles in Indonesia's Democracy and Foreign Policy

Indonesia’s democratic consolidation has led to the transformation of its national legislature (DPR RI) into a more functional and powerful legislative branch of the government. The DPR RI has recently…

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Journalism and Islamic Values

The Indonesian reformasi era ushered in a more vibrant, independent press that has contributed significantly to the nation’s democratic deepening over the last two and a half decades.  Although challenges…

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Expanding and Strengthening the United States – Indonesia Security Partnership: The Military Education Component

featuring: Prof. Dr. Juwono Sudarsono Professor of International Relations, University of Indonesia Former Defense Minister (1999-2000; 2004-2009) Adviser, The US – Indonesia Society with: Dr. Michael S. Malley Professor at…

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Education as an Instrument for Structural Change in Indonesia

Please join us for a USINDO Open Forum on March 15 with Dr. Anies Baswedan. Dr. Baswedan will discuss current progress and challenges in Indonesia’s education, the approach to education…

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Breakfast Meeting with Mr. Joseph Yun, U.S. Department of State's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary

Mr. Joseph Yun Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Date: Friday, March 2, 2012  Time: 07:30 a.m. – 08:45 a.m. Venue:…

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