Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by USINDO

Educational Links for Indonesia and the US

JAKARTA, March 27, 2012 – Ambassador David Merrill, President of the US-Indonesia Society, discussed how to build closer educational ties between Indonesia and the United States during his interview with Jakarta Globe’s Berita…

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Journalism and Islamic Values

The Indonesian reformasi era ushered in a more vibrant, independent press that has contributed significantly to the nation’s democratic deepening over the last two and a half decades.  Although challenges…

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DC Book Launch: "The Jungle School"

The Embassy of Indonesia in Washington DC cordially invites you to attend the US launch of The Jungle School and meet the author Butet Manurung on Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 4:30 to 6:00 pm. Books available for sale and signing.…

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