Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by USINDO

Application Requirements

Applications must be submitted no later than April 30, 2017 at 17:00 via email to: For KEMLU – Ms. Carolyn Sinulingga at For BAPPENAS – Dr. Wignyo Adiyoso at Applications…

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Five Key Facts About Indonesia

World’s fourth most populous nation — over 250 million inhabitants Has over 200 million Muslims, more than any country A flourishing democracy, the world’s third largest, and rated as the freest…

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USINDO Annual Washington Gala Dinner 2013

USINDO’s well-attended 2013 Annual Gala Dinner in Washington on May 31 featured a speech by Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan emphasizing the importance of increasing the level of U.S.-Indonesia educational exchanges…

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The Indonesia Conference @ CSIS

A Conference at CSIS, with cooperating organizations the Embassy of Indonesia, the U.S.-Indonesia Society, and the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council The Sumitro Chair will host The Indonesia Conference @ CSIS on…

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