Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Perspectives from the Indonesian Media – Wednesday, March 31st (3:00 pm)

Shanti Ruwyastuti is a leading host and deputy news director for one of Indonesia’s largest news stations, Metro TV. She is currently visiting the United States in order to produce…

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Indonesia’s Colossal, Vital, and Unusual Role in the Global Climate Change Debate

Peter Riggs will lead a discussion on Indonesia’s role in global climate change negotiations and Indonesia’s actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At the global level, President Yudhoyono made…

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An Informal Discussion of Indonesia’s Economic Outlook

We are delighted to invite our USINDO audience to attend an informal breakfast discussion on Indonesia’s current economic outlook with Indonesia’s distinguished Minister of Trade, Dr. Mari Pangestu. In April…

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Understanding Islam in Indonesia: Politics and Diversity

Please join us for the launching of “Understanding Islam in Indonesia” by book author Dr. Robert Pringle, who will also have signed copies of the book available. Commentators on the…

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Lessons from Indonesia's Economic Reform: Poverty Alleviation and Implications of the Global Economic Crisis

In 1998 the Government of Indonesia enacted several social safety net programs in support of food security, employment creation, education, and health, among others. These were accomplished in the face…

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What You Really Need to Know about the U.S.-Indonesian Security Relationship

No other bilateral issue has been more heatedly debated than the U.S.-Indonesian security relationship. Is the U.S. resuming training of the Indonesian Army Special Forces Command (KOPASSUS)? Has the Indonesian…

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