Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Indonesia’s Military Transformation: Beyond Democratic Reforms

The role of the armed forces in Indonesia’s politics has undergone significant transformation in the country’s transition to democracy. During the Suharto era, as prescribed in the then “Dual Function”…

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Special Open Forum and Luncheon with Sri Mulyani: "Indonesia: Middle Income Country in Transition"

Indonesia has become an emerging and dynamic middle income country with a strong economy, a politically stable democracy, and a growing international profile in the G-20 and other multilateral, regional,…

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The Transformation of Indonesia's Legislature: Increased Role, Remaining Challenges

Moving from what many saw as a “rubber stamp” during much of Indonesia’s authoritarian past, Indonesia’s legislature (DPR) in Indonesia’s democracy era has transformed itself and emerged as a functional…

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Understanding Changes to Indonesia’s Electoral System and their Relationship to the 2014 Elections

A fuller understanding of Indonesia’s election laws, the changes being debated, and how they may affect the 2014 elections is essential for any informed observer of the elections.  Recently, new…

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Indonesia Toward 2014: the View from Golkar – Aburizal Bakrie

Since entering the era of democratization in 1999, Indonesia’s record has been more positive than many would have expected. The economy grew over 6 percent per year over the last…

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Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Indonesia: Adapting to a Changed Threat

As the nature of terrorism in Indonesia has evolved over the past decade, Indonesia’s counter-terrorism response has evolved accordingly.  The scope and scale of the October 2002 Bali bombing by…

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