Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

USINDO’s Legislative Partnership Program with DPR Conducted in Economics, Finance, Banking, Trade

USINDO’s Second Legislative Partnership Program “LPP” Enhances DPR Staff Capacity in Economics, Finance, Banking, Trade, and Legislative Process USINDO announces the successful completion of its second “Legislative Partnership Program ” (LPP)…

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USINDO and AmCham Indonesia Hold Welcoming Reception in Jakarta for US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph R. Donovan, Jr.

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Counterbalance: Red Teaming the Rebalance in the Asia-Pacific

Executive Summary Since the Pivot to Asia was announced on November 17, 2011, President Barack Obama has sought to refocus American diplomatic, economic, and military attention to the Asia-Pacific region.…

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USINDO Convenes the Indonesia – U.S. Council on Religion and Pluralism in Yogyakarta

The United States-Indonesia Society (USINDO) and committed non-government Indonesian and American leaders from the religious, academic, and non-government sectors of each country announce the creation of the Indonesia-U.S. Council on…

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It’s Time for the U.S. to Pivot to Indonesia – Stanley Weiss

As America entertained itself with the vital questions of whether Hillary Clinton’s temporary absence from the campaign trail due to pneumonia constituted a character issue (it didn’t), or whether Donald Trump…

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USINDO Jakarta – The Habibie Center – U.S. Embassy Open Forum September 6, 2016 – "The Hague's South China Sea Ruling: Legal and Political Implications"

Cordially invite you to an Open Forum on The Hague’s South China Sea Ruling: Legal and Political Implications with Prof. Julian Ku Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law…

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