Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by USINDO

Sumitro Fellows Program

The Sumitro Fellows program honors Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo,  Indonesia’s senior economist and advisor to USINDO. One Fellowship is available for United States citizens/permanent resident for research relating to the political…

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Program Details

The Summer Language Studies Program is conducted at the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) under the direction of the Indonesian Language and Cultural Learning Service (INCULS). The program staff in Yogyakarta…

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About the Program

The United States-Indonesia Society is dedicated to expanding understanding of Indonesia and of the importance of the United States-Indonesia relationship. As the world’s third largest democracy and the fourth most…

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Alternative Futures For ASEAN

Dr. David Denoon, Professor of Politics & Economics,  New York University As background for his discussion of four alternative futures for ASEAN, Dr. David Denoon reviewed the economic events and…

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Indonesia: Ready for REDD?

Dr. Josef Leitman, Environment Coordinator for Indonesia,  The World Bank Dr. Leitman explained that the REDD Carbon Credits Program was designed to give a monetary incentive to various countries and…

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The Investment Negative List: One Year Later

Presentation on Indonesian Investment Climate Stephen L. Magiera Indonesia’s Law No. 25/2007 on Investment. In March of 2007, Indonesia’s Parliament approved a landmark law on investment. The objective of this…

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