Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Posts by USINDO


The language component of USINDO’s Summer Studies Program is conducted in partnership with the Indonesian Language and Culture Intensive Course (ILCIC) housed at Sanata Dharma University’s Language Center. ILCIC has…

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Yogyakarta Orientation

Upon arrival in Yogyakarta,  students will stay in a hotel for two nights before moving in with their host families to ease them into the new setting. Our local program…

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Logistical Arrangements

Airfare USINDO purchases roundtrip air tickets to Yogyakarta for students from any city in the U.S. Travel arrangements are made by USINDO. Visa USINDO will process the student visas at…

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USINDO first introduced the volunteering component in its 2015 Summer Studies Program, and it has been regarded as an important component that gives students the added value of interacting directly…

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Quick Reference Guide for Indonesia

Freedom House – Indonesia Embassy of Indonesia International Crisis Group – Indonesia Transparency International – Indonesia CIA World Factbook Library of Congress Country Studies – Indonesia Indonesian Central Bureau of…

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Helpful Links

U.S. Embassy in Jakarta – Consular and Visa Information American Indonesian Exchange Foundation The U.S./Indonesia Teacher Education Consortium Embassy of Indonesia USAID Indonesia U.S. Department of State – Indonesia Tourism…

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