Posts by USINDO
Dr. La Ode Ida, Deputy Speaker of the Regional Representative Council (DPD)
Dr. La Ode Ida discussed the role of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD), one of two parliamentary chambers established during Reformasi, and its responsibility with respect to the Indonesian…
Read MoreUSINDO Washington Annual Dinner with Vice President Boediono
The United States – Indonesia Society celebrated its 16th Anniversary with a Gala Dinner in Washington on April 13 featuring Special Guest the Honorable Lisa P. Jackson of the U.S.…
Read MoreVice President of Indonesia Boediono's Speech at a USINDO Gala Dinner
Ambassador David Merrill, Ambassador Ed Masters, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends. Thank you, Lisa Jackson, for your generous introduction. I could not have written it better myself. Listening to…
Read MorePerspectives from the Indonesian Media: Domestic and Foreign Affairs
On March 31, Shanti Ruwyastuti of MetroTV provided a comprehensive explanation of the events involved in the current Bank Century scandal to an audience of USINDO and The Asia Society…
Read MoreThe 2010 Indonesia – United States Comprehensive Partnership Conference
On March 2, 2010, the United States-Indonesia Society (USINDO) hosted a conference on the forthcoming United States – Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership in collaboration with Universitas Indonesia, the Indonesian Council on…
Read MoreIndonesia’s Journey to Low-Carbon Prosperity
Adam Schwarz, a Senior Fellow at the McKinsey Global Institute, discussed Indonesia’s approach to carbon-compatible development. He began by noting that, while the outcomes from the climate change negotiations in…
Read MoreU.S. – Indonesian Relations on the Move: President Obama’s Upcoming Trip to Indonesia and the planned United States – Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership
On February 17, 2010, Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs delivered the inaugural address for the USINDO Policy Briefing Series, which invites distinguished speakers…
Read MoreCivil Society and Government Relations in the Post Reformasi Indonesia: Preliminary Observations
On January 19, USINDO was pleased to host a talk by Dr. Muhammad A.S. Hikam, Vice Rector at President University, Jakarta. Dr. Hikam was formerly Indonesia’s State Minister for Research…
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