Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994


Deepening the U.S. – Indonesia Strategic Partnership

After the meeting between President Obama and President Jokowi in October 2015, the United States and Indonesia, as two of the largest democratic countries in the world, believed that there is a shared responsibility and an abiding interest to address strategic challenges on the international stage, together as partners.

Therefore, to broaden out the “Track II”, or non-government track, in U.S.-Indonesia relations—which is a key element in forging stronger cooperation on shared strategic interests between the two—USINDO is honored to support the Strategic Partnership through our programs that aim to enhance people to people relations and mutual understanding between the U.S. and Indonesia, such as the Indonesia – U. S. Council on Religion and Pluralism, an initiative which was jointly endorsed by the two Presidents, as well as the Joint Council, which was welcomed by both President Obama and President Yudhoyono in November 2010 as a dynamic partner in fulfilling the goals of U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership.

The two Councils can be accessed here;

Joint Council on Higher Education Partnership
Indonesia - U.S. Council on Religion and Pluralism