Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994


A fellowship that awards grants to American and Indonesian scholars for field research on U.S. – Indonesia relations and political-economic themes.

Eligibility Requirement

American applicants for the Sumitro Fellowship must be United States citizens or permanent residents in the United States with a specific project on Indonesia’s political economy. Applications outside the scope of economics or political economy will not be considered.

Indonesian Applicants for the Sumitro Fellowship must be Indonesian citizens with a specific project on any aspect of the Indonesian-U.S. bilateral relationship. Applications related to solely American topics, Indonesian topics, or to non-U.S./non-Asian themes will not be considered.

Language Proficiency:

For American applicants: please note that though not compulsory, prior study of Bahasa Indonesia is helpful in conducting field research. American applicants should indicate on the application form if and at what level the language has been studied, both formally and informally.

For Indonesian applicants: Indonesian applicants must be capable of advanced study in English. Evidence of English fluency may be demonstrated by TOEFL scores. Indonesians who have graduated from a U.S. institution of higher learning, or from such institution in an English-speaking country, are exempt from this requirement.

Applicants/scholars who intend to publish their work in some form will be improving their applications.