Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Individual Sponsorship

  • Full Time Student

    Same benefits as the Friend/Professional sponsorship level at a special student membership price.

  • Friend/Professional

    ($120 – $249)
    The basic level of USINDO membership. Receives first notice of and invitations to all USINDO events. Receives seating priority over non-members for USINDO special events.

  • Contributing Friend

    Contributions enable USINDO programs. Receives benefits of Friend/Professional plus additional program invitations and higher priority seating at USINDO special events.

  • Sustaining Friend

    ($600-$1, 199)
    Sustains USINDO’s capacity for programs. Receives benefits of Contributing Friend plus much higher priority seating at USINDO special events.

  • Sponsor Friend

    ($1, 200-$4,999)
    This level sponsors USINDO programs. Donors receive all  benefits of Sustaining Friends, plus invitations to private, off-the-record meetings, and the weekly Corporate Digest Newsletters.

  • Patron Friend

    Inquire about special benefits.

  • Benefactor Friend

    ($10,000 and above)
    Inquire about special benefits.

Friends Application

Friend Form 2016