USINDO first introduced the volunteering component in its 2015 Summer Studies Program, and it has been regarded as an important component that gives students the added value of interacting directly with Indonesians outside of their classroom setting. The students will have the option of choosing their places of volunteering according to their personal interests and goals, and based on a networking event to match participants with potential host institutions. Students will have the chance to volunteer in a variety of local organizations, ranging from notable retail businesses, local NGOs as well as academic think tanks. The volunteering activity will be done on each Monday of the week.
Students who do not wish to take part in a volunteering activity will have the option of conducting a research project about Indonesia. However, this only applies for Ph.D. or Master’s students who already have specific research topic that they are currently working on in relation to Indonesia. Through this research project, students will be required to find their in-country research supervisor, interview 10-15 Indonesian locals as part of their data-gathering process, and submit their research findings at the end of the program.