USINDO 2016 Legislative Partnership Program
USINDO is delighted to announce the highly successful completion of its second “Legislative Partnership Program (LPP)” for eight Indonesian parliamentary staff members. The Program was held in Washington D.C. from November 12-19, 2016 in partnership with the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) and the House Democracy Partnership of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The LPP was first established in cooperation with U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Edward Royce (R-CA) and Chairman Mahfudz Siddiq of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Indonesian DPR, during Chairman Royce’s visit to Indonesia in August, 2013. The first LPP took place in Washington D.C. in March 1-7, 2014 and the delegation of seven Indonesian parliamentary staff members focused on the issue of foreign affairs.
For this second delegation, the program concentrated on the substantive issues of economy, finance, banking, energy, trade and industry. The Indonesian participants received practical knowledge directly from experienced U.S. practitioners about U.S. Congressional committee functioning, the role of professional staff, the use of support systems such as the Congressional Research Service, the advancement of legislative oversight and budgeting, the tools and procedures to communicate with constituents and media, effective strategies in legislative drafting, how majority and minority staff in Congress work together, and how the U.S. system engages stakeholders for inclusive policy making.