USINDO 2018 Gala Dinner April 18
is pleased to announce
USINDO’s 2018 Gala Dinner
Wednesday April 18, 2018
Four Seasons Hotel
Indonesian Guest of Honor and Featured Speaker

H.E. Luhut Pandjaitan
Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs
Indonesian Special Guest Speaker

H.E. Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Minister of Finance
U.S. Guest of Honor
The Honorable Ted Yoho
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific
House Foreign Affairs Committee
USINDO is pleased to announce our spectacular 2018 Gala Dinner, Wednesday April 18, at the Four Seasons Hotel.
We are delighted to announce that our Indonesian Guest of Honor and Featured Speaker is Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs H.E. Luhut Pandjaitan, one of Indonesia’s most important government figures. His responsibilities include the Ministries of Energy and Mineral Resources, Transportation, Tourism, and Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Previously, he was Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, and Presidential Chief of Staff. He also carries out many key assignments and negotiations for the Government.
We are delighted that Indonesia’s distinguished Minister of Finance, H.E. Sri Mulyani Indrawati, will be Special Guest Speaker. Globally acclaimed as a reform-minded decision-maker, she is a key member of President Jokowi’s economic and investment team.
Our U.S. Guest of Honor is The Honorable Ted Yoho (R-FLA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Sub-Committee on Asia and the Pacific. Chairman Yoho visited Indonesia to promote U.S. trade and investment. He is sponsoring legislation to support expanded and consolidated US overseas development finance.
We hope you will be able to join us for our 2018 Gala!
6:00 pm: Reception
7:00 pm: Gala Dinner
The Four Seasons Hotel
2800 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20007
Dress: Business attire, cocktail dress, batik, national dress

Guest Biographies

H.E. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan became Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs of Indonesia in July 2016. His ministry includes supervision of the Ministries of Energy and Mineral Resources, Transportation, Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and Tourism. He previously was Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, and Presidential Chief of Staff. Earlier, he was Minister of Trade and Industry, and Indonesia’s Ambassador to Singapore.
He currently chairs Indonesia’s Committee for hosting the 2018 IMF-World Bank 2018 Annual Meeting in Bali.
Minister Pandjaitan spent most of his military career with Kopassus TNI AD (Special Forces Command). He is well known for being the first Commander of Detachment 81, one of the world’s best counterterrorism units. His many important military career positions include Commander of Group 3 Kopassus, Commander of Infantry Weaponry (Pussenif), to the Commander of Army Education and Training (Kodiklat).
Aside from his work in the government and military, Minister Pandjaitan founded the DEL Foundation, which has created schools including a technology college for underprivileged students, and a bilingual high school for gifted children. The Foundation also awards scholarships and funds education infrastructure development and construction.
In 2004, he established PT Toba Sejahtra Group, which engages in energy and mining.
Born and raised in North Sumatera, Minister Pandjaitan was awarded the Adhi Makayasa in 1970, the annual award conferred to the best graduate of Indonesia Armed Forces Academy. In 1988, he graduated from George Washington University with a Master’s in Public Administration. A year later, he graduated from the National Defense University.

H. E. Minister Sri Mulyani returned to Indonesia as Minister of Finance in 2016 following six years as Managing Director and Chief Operations Officer of the World Bank. Previously she was Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy.
Widely respected as a reform-minded decision-maker, Dr. Sri Mulyani is widely credited with strengthening Indonesia’s economic and fiscal performance, increasing investment, and steering Indonesia through global financial issues. She is a key member of President Jokowi’s cabinet and economic and investment team.
Minister Sri Mulyani currently chairs the World Bank/IMF’s prestigious Development Committee comprised of finance and development ministers from 25 countries, which advises the Fund and Bank on major global development policy issues. She is a key player in the G-20, of which Indonesia is Southeast Asia’s only member.
Minister Sri Mulyani is a distinguished economist with her doctorate in economics from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

U.S. Guest of Honor
Congressman Ted Yoho (R-FLA) represents Florida’s 3rd Congressional District. He was elected to Congress in 2012 and is now serving his third term.
Since February 2017, he has been Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Asia and Pacific of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In that capacity he traveled to Indonesia last month. One of his interests is promoting U.S. trade and investment with Indonesia.
Chairman Yoho is Co-Sponsor of H.R. 5105, “Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development” (BUILD), a bi-partisan Bill that would consolidate US federal development programs and agencies into one full-service, self-sustaining U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (IDFC). A key goal is taking countries from aid to trade.
Representative Yoho’s approach to government is guided by constitutional principles, limited government, fiscal conservatism, personal responsibility, and free enterprise.