Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Video of Open Forum on Understanding Indonesian Terrorism: Current Trends, Causes, Policy Implications

Although there have not been any major terrorist attacks in Indonesia in recent years, the threat of terrorism continues to loom in Indonesian society today. The Indonesian government has since mounted a vast number of campaigns against terrorism including mass arrests of domestic extremists and policies that keep Indonesian ISIS families in Syrian camps indefinitely.

USINDO was pleased to host an Open Forum on Thursday, July 20, 2023, featuring Dr. Julie Chernov Hwang, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Goucher College and author of “Becoming Jihadis: Radicalization and Commitment in Southeast Asia” to shed light on the current context, giving insight into understanding why Indonesians join jihadi groups as well as the process of disengagement and eventual reintegration into Indonesian society.