Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Introducing the USINDO 2024 Summer Studies Fellows

Summer Studies 1

Dear USINDO Community,

We are excited to introduce the exceptional USINDO Summer Studies fellows for this year who have been chosen to join our prestigious program this year. The USINDO Summer Studies program has played a pivotal role in fostering cross-cultural exchange since 1996, with the generous support of the Freeman Foundation and support from USINDO. Our fellowship network, with over 250 alumni across the United States, plays a crucial ongoing role building bridges for careers involving Indonesia and deepening U.S.-Indonesia relations.

From a large pool of outstanding applicants from across the U.S., USINDO competitively selected 11 fellows, evaluating their academic excellence, leadership potential, and commitment to advancing U.S.-Indonesian relations and mutual understanding.

We are pleased to introduce below the excellent American students chosen for this prestigious fellowship. They reflect a diverse range of academic disciplines, backgrounds, and cultural perspectives.

Congratulations and good luck to the upcoming fellows, who will immerse themselves in Indonesian culture this summer in Yogyakarta and Jakarta! Keep updated on their journey through our Instagram, LinkedIn and X accounts.