USINDO Special Forum: Advancing Indonesia’s Energy Transition

We are fortunate to have as our speaker The Honorable Rachmat Kaimuddin, Indonesian Deputy Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment for Infrastructure and Transport Coordination. With the head of Indonesia’s Electricity Authority, Pak Rachmat hosts Indonesia’s Joint Office for Energy Transition in the Power Sector, created in January by the National Energy Transition Task Force to advance implementation of energy transition in the power sector in line with Indonesia’s goals to reach net zero by 2060 or sooner.
The Joint Office coordinates with policy makers from many ministries as well as business actors, investors and bilateral and multilateral partners to support the timely implementation of energy transition in the power sector. It and the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) Secretariat coordinate for the implementation of JETP Priority Projects in Indonesia.
Pak Rachmat is in Washington for meetings with the USG on JETP and environment. We are thus doubly fortunate that the U.S. Special Deputy Envoy for Climate Change, Rick Duke, and Jake Levine, the Chief Climate Officer of the U.S. Development Finance Corporation (DFC) have agreed to be our Special USG Panelist, and give the U.S.G. perspective.