USINDO 2014 Indonesian Elections Open Forum Series: The Electability of Political Parties and Candidates: The 2014 Indonesian Elections
Cordially invites you to a Special Event in
USINDO’s 2014 Indonesian Elections Open Forum Series
Special Open Forum
The Electability of Political Parties and Candidates:
The 2014 Indonesian Elections
Dr. R. William (Bill) Liddle
Professor Emeritus
Ohio State University

Wednesday, December 4
10:00 am – 11:30 am
USINDO Conference Room
1625 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 550
Washington, DC 20036
Indonesia is scheduled to hold elections for Parliament in April and President in July 2014. What are the prospects for the main political parties and presidential candidates? Will Indonesians favor a political outsider or a well-known figure as their next president? What are the top priorities of voters? What do voters believe are the most desirable qualities for Indonesian presidential candidates today?
As a Special Open Forum in our 2014 Indonesian Elections Series, USINDO is delighted to present legendary Indonesian political science expert Professor Bill Liddle, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Ohio State, on December 4. Dr. Liddle will present his findings from a new opinion survey on the election, based on an experimental technique that enables political scientists to get a clearer picture than ever before of the likely outcomes and driving forces behind the elections. His talk will give us fresh insights on the election, including the survey’s findings on the electability of new candidates.
Please join us for this informative event on Indonesia’s upcoming 2014 elections.
This event is open and free of charge. To register, please kindly RSVP HERE by 5pm December 3, 2013.