U.S. Perspective on the Science of Climate Change: How Can We Adapt to Consequences?

Professor Michael Brody
Adjunct Professor, Department of Environmental Science
American University

Dr. Amanda Katili Niode
Coordinator of Communication, Information and Education
Indonesian National Council on Climate Change (INCCC)
Friday, October 18, 2013
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Pacific Place Mall, 3rd Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman, Kav. 52-53
U.S. President Obama and Indonesian President Yudhoyono emphasized efforts to implement two major international climate and energy agreements conceived in 2009 – the Copenhagen Accord’s call to reduce global emissions by taking concrete and transparent mitigation actions, and the G-20 Leaders’ commitment to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies while promoting renewable energy and improving energy efficiency.
While both the United States Government and Government of Indonesia are leading efforts to mitigate climate change issue should be understood and supported by the general public. The changing global climate affects our daily lives and concerns, business professionals, environmentalists, and policy makers alike. Climate change is projected to impact infrastructure, transportation, the economy, and health and safety. Efforts to diminish the effects of climate change and prevent future damage are at the center of environmental talks among global leaders and the scientific community.
USINDO and @america are please to present Professor Michael Brody, Adjunct Professor, Department of Environmental Science at the American University in Washington, D.C. The presentation will focus on the U.S. perspective on climate action and best practices for conserving and managing natural resources and preserving ecosystems. Professor Brody’s overview of various topics including the rise in sea levels, resilience and local sustainability, forestry and UN-REDD, greening the economy, as well as geo-engineering will provide our USINDO audience with a better understanding of climate change and how we can adapt. This is part of USINDO’s Scholars Open Forum Series. Please join us for this important event.
This event is open and free of charge. To register, please kindly RSVP HERE by October 17, 2013 at 5pm.