The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Insiders' Look
in cooperation with
Cordially invite you to a
Round Table Breakfast Discussion:
The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
and the
Trans-Pacific Partnership:
An Insiders’ Look

Nelson Cunningham
President and Co-Founder,
McLarty Associates,
Former Special Advisor to
Former President Clinton
Ambassador James Keith
Senior Director Asia Practice,
McLarty Associates,
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary
of State for East Asia and Pacific
Ambassador David Merrill
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
8:00 – 10:00 am
TBD (Central Jakarta)
The 2016 U.S. presidential primary election is fast approaching: the first caucus in Iowa will be held in less than two months. The rivalry among the remaining 17 candidates is heating up. Both Republicans and Democrats have held debates to reveal candidates’ stances on prominent issues, such as ISIS, immigration, economic disparity, climate change, criminal justice, and health care.
Another issue is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The entire agreement was published last month and the next step is for each of its members, including the U.S., to ratify the pact. It will be interesting to see whether the presidential election might hamper the ratification process. In October, President Jokowi announced that Indonesia intends to join the TPP.
How do the U.S. presidential candidates position themselves in relation to these issues? Who are the current presidential front-runners? Will the U.S. Congress pass the TPP deal during this election season? What are the prospects and challenges for Indonesia to consider before it makes a final decision regarding joining the TPP?
The United States-Indonesia Society (USINDO) and McLarty Associates in cooperation with AmCham Indonesia are delighted to host Mr. Nelson Cunningham, President and Co-founder of McLarty Associates, Former Special Advisor to Former President Clinton Assistant and Ambassador James Keith, Senior Director and Asia Practice of McLarty Associates, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific in this event to provide an insider’s look into the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the TPP. Please join us for this exclusive round table breakfast discussion.
To register, please RSVP HERE or email to no later than January 7, 2016 at 10.00 am. Please be advised that seats are limited. Confirmations, or notification of placement on a waiting list, will be sent by January 8, 2016 at 3:00 pm. Priority will be given to current USINDO paid members, and other invited guests. The admissions are not transferable without prior coordination with USINDO.