Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

2011 Annual DC Gala Dinner

Featured Speaker:

H.E. Agus Martowardojo
Minister of Finance,  Republic of Indonesia

With Special Guest:

The Honorable Fred P. Hochberg
Chairman and CEO,  Export-Import Bank of the United States

Reception: 6:30 p.m.
Dinner: 7:30 p.m.

Grand Ballroom
2401 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037

Individual Dinner Tickets:

USINDO Members: $165
Non-members: $200
Non-member Couples: $365

New Decade Fund Donor Tickets:

Benefactor: $1500
$1300 donation to New Decade Fund*, program acknowledgment, preferred seating

Patron: $500
$300 donation to New Decade Fund*, preferred seating

Friend: $300
$100 contribution to New Decade Fund*

Please RSVP below AND purchase your tickets
(click here to pay online) by Wednesday, September 21st.

Dress Code: Business Attire or Batik

If you have any questions or wish to be a New Decade Fund Donor, please call USINDO at (202) 232-1400 or