Special Open Forum and Luncheon with Sri Mulyani: "Indonesia: Middle Income Country in Transition"
Indonesia has become an emerging and dynamic middle income country with a strong economy, a politically stable democracy, and a growing international profile in the G-20 and other multilateral, regional, and bilateral fora. Drawing on rich natural endowments, strong macroeconomic and fiscal management, decentralization, and other reforms, it is one of very few countries that has experienced sustained growth averaging 7% per annum over nearly three decades. In the decade 2000-2010, its growth was behind only China and India. It is now poised to be one of the world’s leading Middle Income Countries, with a growing middle class and domestic market, and the capacity to be a significant contributor to world economic recovery.
However, Indonesia faces challenges to realizing a sustained and inclusive growth that will fulfill its potential. Despite the growing middle class, inequality continues to increase. Access to services such as water and sanitation have not kept pace with urbanization. Concerns over infrastructure development have limited domestic and foreign investment. Its educational and human resource capacity must be strengthened to provide the skills needed for transition to an advanced economy. How Indonesia meets its next set of challenges will affect the speed and sustainability of its transition to the highest ranks of emerging countries.
USINDO is pleased to welcome World Bank Managing Director Sri Mulyani Indrawati at a Special Open Forum at the Cosmos Club on February 29th. Ibu Sri Mulyani will discuss Indonesia’s rise, transition as a middle income country (MIC) and the challenges that remain. Her talk will be preceded by a short seated lunch (12:00-1:00), and followed by Q and A’s. Please join us for this important event.
REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS NOW CLOSED. If you have already registered, USINDO will confirm your RSVP as soon as possible after February 22. Due to the large RSVP demand for this event and space constraints, priority will go to USINDO members as of 2011. Confirmation of your RSVP is required for admission. For questions, call Marianne Baesa at 202-232-1400.