Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994

Application Timeline

Our new timetable for the application cycle of the 2018 fellows is below.  Please see the document “Timeline and Application Instructions” for more details. 

Application Form 2018.

April 30,  2017: Applications are due to Pusdiklat (KEMLU) and Pusbindiklatren (BAPPENAS).

May 17-18,  2017:  All applicants are interviewed in person if possible, or by telephone.  All applications are reviewed by a selection panel comprised of high-ranking staff at USINDO, SAIS, and the Embassy of Indonesia in Washington, DC, following the interviews.

June 1, 2017: Conditional candidates announced. These candidates will ultimately be accepted only if they achieve the minimum official TOEFL and GRE scores by August 15 2017.

June 15, 2017: Conditional candidates prepare a list of their selected top 5 schools that they will be applying to if they are finally accepted into the program as an Edward E. Masters Fellow. This list should be sent to and no later than the deadline mentioned above.

June-August 2017: Conditional candidates begin coursework for the TOEFL and GRE.  Candidates will take the TOEFL and GRE during this period, after completing their coursework.

August 15, 2017: Candidates submit official TOEFL and GRE scores to USINDO.

Minimum requirements are as follows:

Internet Based Test: 100
Paper Based Test: 600
Computer Based Test: 250

Verbal: 153
Quantitative: 148

*GRE score requirements are estimates at this time and will be revised when average scores for the new GRE test are normalized.

October 14, 2017: Conditional candidates are notified regarding acceptance as Fellows into the program.