Building U.S.-Indonesia Mutual Understanding Since 1994


Increasing Understanding of Indonesia and the United States


Discover High Quality U.S. Education Options at the U.S. Graduate Fair 2024

JAKARTA – This month, the United States Agency for International Development and the U.S.-Indonesia Society (USINDO) will host representatives of 17 top U.S. universities at the U.S. Graduate Fair 2024 in…

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U.S. Grad School Dreams? Join Our U.S. Graduate Fair 2024!

Interested in pursuing a Master’s or Ph.D. program in the U.S.?Looking to learn more about the exciting programs offered by various top U.S. universities? Allow us to guide you to…

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Introducing the USINDO 2024 Summer Studies Fellows

Dear USINDO Community, We are excited to introduce the exceptional USINDO Summer Studies fellows for this year who have been chosen to join our prestigious program this year. The USINDO…

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Video of USINDO’s 2024 Presidential Election Series: Pak Hashim Djojohadikusumo, Chairman, Volunteer Advisory Board,  Prabowo – Gibran Coalition

USINDO’s Special Elections Series, held in Washington this month, gave each Indonesian coalition running for President and Vice President a balanced, neutral format to provide our keenly interested USINDO audience…

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